Inguma data

This section shows the production data available in the Inguma database. Number of records, number of authors cataloged in the database, documents directly consultable.

These data are indicators of the cataloging of the database and the production of the Basque Scientific Community.

Data in graphics

Evolution of written production

Gender variable in overall production by knowledge area

Evolution of written production by areas of knowledge

Evolution of total production

Evolution of written production

% written production available on the Internet

Azken 10 urteetako produzioaren filiazioak


  • Authors 13621
  • Quantity of authors you can contact: 8310
  • Quantity of certificates requested by authors: 855
  • Cataloged references
    • All: 47504
    • References you can consult online: 21547
    • Written references
      • All: 30077
      • All you can consult online: 21113
      • Articles: 18193
      • Articles you can consult online: 15593
      • Books: 2921
      • Books you can consult online: 1316
      • Translations: 954
      • Translations you can consult online: 307
      • M.C.P (Mentions, chapters and prefaces): 6881
      • M.C.Ps you can consult online: 3043
      • Research projects: 93
      • Research projects you can consult online: 3
      • PHDs: 1035
      • PHDs you can consult online: 851
      • Idatzitako erreferentziak afiliaziozko
        • Administrazio Publikoa: 362
        • ALC Aguirre Lehendakaria Center: 7
        • Aranzadi: 205
        • Azterlan: 2
        • AZTI: 35
        • BAM: 3
        • BERC - Achucarro: 147
        • BERC - BC3: 14
        • BERC - BCAM: 4
        • BERC - BCBL: 6
        • BERC - BCMaterials: 15
        • BERC - Biofisika: 61
        • BERC - DIPC: 10
        • BERC - MPC: 6
        • BERC - Polymat: 58
        • Beste Erakundea: 381
        • Beste Ikerketa Zentroa: 85
        • Beste Unibertsitatea: 372
        • Bioaraba: 3
        • BioCruces: 68
        • Biodonostia: 70
        • CBS - Center for Basque Studies (Reno/Nevada): 13
        • CEIT: 81
        • CIC - Biogune: 5
        • CIC - Biomagune: 20
        • CIC - Energigune: 26
        • CIC - Nanogune: 31
        • CIDETEC: 11
        • CIMA - CUN: 26
        • CITA - Alzheimer: 7
        • Deusto. Deustuko Unibertsitatea: 1497
        • EKE: 20
        • Elhuyar Fundazioa: 1662
        • Enpresa Pribatua: 182
        • ESTIA: 3
        • Euskaltzaindia: 1486
        • Eusko Ikaskuntza: 170
        • GAIKER: 11
        • Hezkuntza sistema: 39
        • IDEKO: 4
        • IdiSNA: 4
        • IK4 Research Alliance: 14
        • IKER: 320
        • Ikerbasque: 13
        • IKERLAN: 10
        • Ikertzaile Independentea: 94
        • Labayru Fundazioa: 108
        • Leartiker: 9
        • LORTEK: 5
        • Mondragon Unibertsitatea: 1008
        • Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa (UPNA/NUP): 501
        • NEIKER: 33
        • Orkestra: 17
        • Osasun Sistema: 248
        • Soziolinguistika Klusterra: 107
        • Tecnalia: 87
        • Tekniker: 5
        • UB/BU: 20
        • UBM/BMU: 49
        • Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea: 7100
        • Universidad de Navarra: 144
        • University of Nevada Reno: 25
        • UPPA/PU: 94
        • UPV/EHU: 18006
        • VICOMTECH: 12
    • Oral references
      • All: 17427
      • Courses: 2451
      • Conferences: 9895
      • Subjects: 5081


  • All: 219
    • Universities: 9
    • Magazines: 134
    • Publishers: 60
    • Others: 14


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