Inguma Certificate

The Inguma certificate is a document that records the scientific-cultural production of authors catalogued in the database. It outlines the details related to a specific person according to the information recorded at the time of applying for the certificate and the classification and cataloguing criteria used in the database.

Who can apply for the certificate?

Any author whose work has been catalogued in the Basque Scientific Community database, Inguma, can request a certificate for his/her scientific-cultural production in Basque.

What does the document contain?

It is completed with the production data catalogued in the database at the time of the application. In other words, the document is based on the information contained at the time of application.

The certificate contains the following production details:

  • Details of the author
  • Title of the work carried out
  • Type of work: article, book, translation, chapter of a book, etc
  • Publishing entity
  • Date of publication

How to request the certificate?

Below this explanatory text you will find the search box. Type the author’s name and surname in the box and this will take you to the author’s file. There you will see the option “request certificate”. Click on it and follow the process.

If the author's contact details are not registered in the database, he/she will not appear in the search results. In this case contact UEU to update that person's records.

Other details:

Throughout the year we catalogue new information in the database, so as new data is entered, information is added to the author's output.

Inappropriate use:

Once the application for the certificate has been made, the certificate will be sent in PDF format to the e-mail address of the person requesting the certificate. To do so, he/she must be registered as an author in the database. The applicant may request the necessary documentation according to his/her needs.

Remember that the applicant and the person receiving the certificate must be the same. If this is not the case, the application will be considered as inappropriate use and the UEU disclaims all responsibility, the user himself/herself being wholly responsible. Likewise, the UEU shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from the use of the certificate, except in the case of actions arising from the application of legal provisions that must be respected in the strict exercise of its competence.

On receiving the application for the certificate, we understand that you, as the user, have voluntarily agreed to the foregoing.

To resolve doubts:

If you have any doubts, you can write to us at the following address: and we will respond as soon as possible.